Food and yard waste composting reduces garbage and greenhouse gases, saves landfill space, and creates compost to enrich the soil of local parks and gardens.
Take advantage of the
benefits of composting rather than throwing it all away. Why waste a good thing?
SPU has two weekly collection service options for apartments and condominiums:
- Onsite service (maximum convenience)
- Curbside service (most economical)
If your property doesn’t already have food and yard waste service, ask your property owner or manager to review the
Apartment/Condo Owners website and sign up.
If you are a dedicated recycler, ask your property manager about signing up as a FORC steward. Your property will get a one-time $100 utility bill credit and you will qualify for training as well as enjoy the satisfaction of helping your community and the planet.
FORC responsibilities (pdf) include educating residents and reducing contamination.
To qualify for the for the $100 credit, your property must use SPU's food and yard waste collection service. Properties that already have a Friend of Recycling can get another $100 credit by adding SPU's food and waste service and designating a FORC.
All food scraps including fruit, vegetables, yard trimmings, meat, dairy, and fish as well as food-soiled waste like pizza boxes, paper napkins and kitchen paper towels are accepted.
Options include using a reusable container with a lid, approved compostable bags, and wrapping the food scraps in newspaper or a paper bag. No plastic bags or containers are allowed. See these
handy tips.
Some properties prefer to
make compost at home. This will save money and benefit the environment. However, no dairy or meat products can go into a home pile due to potential odor or animal and pest problems.
Reduce, Reuse, Exchange - for ways to keep other useful items out of the waste stream
Can I recycle this item?
Look It Up!
Play the Where Does It Go?
Recycling Game
Cedar Grove Composting - Local processor of yard and food compost materials